Monday, August 18, 2008


Spelling tests, just the sound of the words sends chills up and down my spine and causes a knot in my stomach...and at this point, they aren't even my spelling tests!! The only thing that could be worse is if you said "Spelling Bee" know, public humiliation.

Russ has graduated into the third grade and today, he walks in the door with 30 spelling words for this week...yep, you heard me, THIRTY (just so you know I didn't mis-type the numbers) spelling words. Please know that this is the same sweet child who wrote "speline folder" in huge black letters on the outside of his spelling notebook last year...I'm thinking that our work has been cut out for us and we're just now on day one of the first full week of school. OH MY GOODNESS (just so you know, anytime you might see OMG on my blog, it is GOODNESS...please read it appropriately)...what will we do? Now for the positive side of things, these thirty words were given as a pre-test today and my precious, loving, math-oriented child spelled 7 of them correctly...well, at least we've gotten that list down to 21 for the week!! So, when you close your eyes to pray tonight, or even as you're reading this, drop an extra request in for the Woodard's we have 21 words to learn to spell before Friday!!!


Kaycie said...

Just an update...after 20 long, frustrating minutes, I am happy to report that we knocked out an additional 6 words: ask, April, ankle, straight, explain & neighbor (seriously, are all of these 3rd grade words?)

Jenny said...

My advice is to send him to his MiMi. She is the best at "beating" things into your mind. (Especially if it is the stinking explorers.) And no, I don't believe that he should have to spell neighbor in the 3rd grade...that is someone you play with, no spell.

mnb8198 said...

Poor guy. I have never gotten over missing the word "bear" in Mrs. Forges' class. I spelled it "bare."