"The signs are there." How can those words sound so reassuring? As Cindy spoke them today, I found myself almost relieved. Russ went for his "testing" this morning at the Dyslexia Center of Tennessee. Cindy and I have chatted many times over the past week or so, first about Caleb and now, ultimately, in regards to Russell B himself. She spent and hour and a half with him this morning, talking, building block patterns, spelling words and reading. Through all of this fun and excitement, she was able to unofficially tell us that the signs are there for dyslexia, but it is not a severe case. He struggles with processing as she put it, has a very low phonics base and gets lost in the details of things. She might as well have said everything in German or Latin because it all sounded foreign to me. The only thing that was loud and clear is that she is able to help him. Honestly, I don't know that I even need to know more, but we'll be in her office again next Friday to get all of the official results and create the plan. What a blessing that the Lord used my little punkin-headed-five-year-old and his backwards letters to bring us to the answer for possibly him, but definately, his big brother. It might be silly, but today, I'm celebrating "the signs".
We knew Caleb was going to be good for something but now we know. ;)
Now who's being the blog slacker. Sheesh. You're the one with the gift of words and your not sharing!!! Not that you have anything else to do. I was expecting a full post on how wonderful of a sister you have for spending TWO DAYS with you cleaning. HELLO!!!!!!
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