Sunday, September 14, 2008

The First Decade

For better or worse, that was our pledge. We had no idea what that meant, no idea of the "worse" that could come out of nowhere and knock you of your feet and completely unaware of the blessings that the better could bring. We were just kids, 22 and 23. Derek was 4 and probably as ready to make such a commitment as we were. I look at the pictures today and think, we look like babies; we were.

There have been ups and there have been downs. I can't tell you how many of either or that the better outnumbers the worse, maybe it does, and maybe it doesn't. There isn't a day that's easy and there isn't a minute that doesn't take work. The laughter is still there and the joy that we found in each other which lead to those vows hasn't disappeared, but sometimes, sometimes it gets lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday the hectic schedules, the struggles at school, the laundry, the bills, the ballgames, the jobs and the stress of keeping it all going.

We were able to get away this weekend for four days, four days with no need to find someone else's socks, no lunches to pack, no ballgames to rush too, no bills to find in the mailbox, no work to report to, no major crisis to respond to. "Do you hear that?" Chris asked, "No" I replied, "isn't it great!" We spent hours doing little to nothing, I think I slept 18 of the first 24 hours of our trip. It was rest, it was rejuvenation, it was wonderful! There wasn't anywhere to be, anywhere to go, nothing that had to be done and no one waiting for some completed task or depending on our next move. It was relief, it was the opportunity to regroup, refresh, breathe again. We didn't do anything really, but that's the beauty of being with someone that completes your soul, someone that gets don't have to do anything. You don't even have to talk.

As I look back on the events that have occurred over the last decade which have earned us the right to take this four day hiatus; I laugh, I cry, I cringe, I roll my eyes, shake my head and I am thankful. Thankful that through it all we were together. Maybe not always on the same page, maybe not in the same place, but always together. It's the together that gets us through (and sometimes the apart, but I am giggling as I write that).

I don't always know why, but he is the love of my life. When you're a little girl, you spend days, months, years dreaming about that one man that will sweep you off your feet and bring your fairy tale to life. You have to know that I grew up witnessing the fairy tale. Joe and Pam Loftin are as "cheesy and happy-ending" as it gets. Watching and longing for that your whole life creates big shoes to fill. I don't know that we anywhere near their cheesy and we're still writing our "ever-after" but in the grand scheme of things, we've got the "happily" down-pat. I tell him all the time, I couldn’t get through this life of ours with anyone else.

We’ve earned lots of badges of honor as they say and we’ve done it together. It wasn’t always easy and wasn’t always fun, but it was ours, our first decade.


mnb8198 said...

Congrats, guys! MB

Jackers said...

Congratulations! That is wonderful!